3 Phase Electric Instantaneous Water Heater
Stiebel Eltron's range of electric instantaneous water heaters deliver hot water with precision. Efficient by design, the units don't store water so you don't get the heat losses that occur in traditional storage hot water systems. Installed close to the point of use, and reducing dead legs - saving you both water and energy.

DHE 18 AU / DHE 27 AU
- Made in Germany
- STIEBEL's flagship of electric instantaneous continuous flow water heaters
- Precise hot water temperature up to 60°C with 4i Technology

DEL 18 / 27 Plus
- New generation DEL
- Made in Germany
- Maximum hot water output temperature 50° Celsius, no tempering valve needed
- Accurate continuous flow hot water delivery with 3i Technology

DHB-E 13 / 18 / 27 LCD
- New generation DHB-E
- Made in Germany
- Electronically controlled
- Accurate continuous flow temperature delivery selection between 20 and 60 °C
- Suitable for hard and soft water areas

FFB 4 Remote Control
- Additional radio remote control with large LC display
- Two memory buttons for desired temperatures
- Stepless temperature selection from 20 ° C to 60 ° C
- Range up to 25 meters in the building
- Set includes radio adapter